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الجفاف . Paracetamol is available as an oral tablet, capsule, and liquid form, as well as a rectal .250kd. Delivered in 30 minutes at your doorstep. … 2023 · Panadrex is used to treat many conditions such as headache, muscle aches, arthritis, backache, toothaches, colds, and fevers. Paracetamol is a commonly used over-the-counter medication that is used to relieve pain and reduce fever. Panadrex - Max Tablets - Kuwait Saudi Pharmaceutical

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يُشاع إستخدام الادوية التى تحتوى . This item: Panadrex 500 mg Tablet 48's.  · حبوب بانادريكس (panadrex tablet) تحوي في تركيبها على المادة الفعالة : اسيتامينوفين أو الباراسيتامول و هي مادة مسكنة للالم و خافضة للحرارة , يؤخذ عادة عن طريق الفم ، ويمكن إعطاؤه عن طريق الوريد و بشكل تحاميل . Facebook Twitter Pinterest. Panadrex Tablet contains Paracetamol as an active ingredient. Some side effects of Pandrox 500Mg Tablet are Diarrhea, Fever with chills, Black or tarry stools, Redness of the skin, Joint pain, Muscle pain, Difficulty, or painful urination, Acid or sour stomach, Heartburn, Indigestion, and Stomach pain.

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